- Be kind and respectful to myself and others.
- Hatred of any kind will not be tolerated. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, etc.
- No backseat gaming or spoiling unless asked.
- Respect my boundaries and the boundaries of others.
- No spamming.
- No self-promotion.
- No age sharing.
- Do not dox anyone or share personal information.
- We support one another in this community. Do not shame others for the ways in which they choose to support this space.
- Respect and adhere to all moderation guidelines and policies below.
Channel Moderators:
WailLord530 https://www.youtube.com/@WailLord530 (he/him)
Nathaniel Smith https://www.youtube.com/@nathanielsmith1879 (he/him)
fernavliz https://www.youtube.com/@fernavliz1 (he/him)
- Moderators uphold the rules and guidelines that we have established as a community.
- I have the utmost respect and appreciation for this channel’s moderators.
- This community respects and appreciates moderators as much as I do.
- Disrespect of any kind towards moderators related to their role will not be tolerated.
- Do not argue with moderators regarding moderation decisions.
- Do not impersonate moderators.
Consequence Steps
1. Written warning in chat from moderator.
2. 1-30 minute time out from chat depending on severity.
3. Ban from chat.
Note: Depending on how severe the offense is, moderators reserve the right to skip consequences steps 1 and 2 and go directly to step 3.
🔥 THE CHALLENGES FOR TONIGHT 🔥(Other challenges will be done at a later time)
- Prath7: Get #1 score booster without splatting anyone. No assists either.
- ryo bakura enjoyer: Play turf war/splatzones but only with angle shooter
- Spooki: Win 2 PB matches with only subs and specials
- Zelda_man: Use ballpoint splatling without using the long range mode
- Skippy: Get a charger of my choice to 2 stars
- Pikachu: Get 3 splats with dapple dualies within the first minute of a match
- Drakore Gaming: Play Salmon Run by myself! Do a private job (with someone else to help you with this) and see what will be the highest hazard level you can beat
-WailLord530: Win 3 Ranked battles of rainmaker with stamper
-PeleR FlyP: Play Table Turf
-This has no purpose: spam booyah in a private battle
💜This is a supportive, kind, and fun community. I’m really happy that you are a part of it 💜
✨Subscribe and hit the like button if you want to show support! (Goal: 2k Subs):
✨Elie D. Channel Membership (access to exclusive badges and emotes): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHdxcjuFpHrsh7n9L41JzeA/join
✨Second Channel - Elie D. Luxe https://www.youtube.com/@ElieDLuxe
✨Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/eliedgames
✨Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/eliedgames
✨Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElieDGames
- I expect anyone in the pool to uphold chat rules.
- This is a community where we collectively value everyone having the opportunity to play equally.
- If you see that someone has not had an opportunity to play and you have already had 1-2 games, please make space for others and swap appropriately.
- I will operate on an honor’s system for the time being. If there are problems that arise due to this I will have to be more strict - which I don’t want to be! So please be mindful of others.
- I want to be able to play with everyone and enjoy our time together. Now let’s go have some fun!
Pool Code: ElieD
Profile and Banner Art - Bianca Copello https://biancacopello.art/work
Membership Badges and Elie D. Emotes - Overslept Studios https://tidd.ly/3n9ey4H
Art featured on thumbnail - Koo 97 https://www.instagram.com/miingukiiee/