This fight took me THREE HOURS! | NEW GAME ONCE (S1:E8) | Onceforever Games

This fight took me THREE HOURS! | NEW GAME ONCE (S1:E8) | Onceforever Games

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Publish Date:
November 7, 2022
Party Game Fails
Video License
Standard License
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Vah Noboris and Thunderblight Ganon is easily the hardest boss I encountered during my whole playthrough of Breath of the Wild, taking the entire duration of a stream to complete. The sense of relief and excitement of taking this version of Ganon down and knowing I was half way down with the story made for a bittersweet experience.

THIS is Episode 8 of New Game Once, the series where I play a video game that I have NEVER PLAYED BEFORE. This inaugural season, my Twitch and Discord communities voted on me playing The Legend of Zelda: The Breath of the Wild. Join me as I take my first steps into this version of Hyrule and experience this masterpiece of a game for the very first time!

Want to learn more about New Game Once? Join our Discord community at the link below!

This video was captured from a Onceforever Games livestream. Want to see this content live? Check out and hit that follow button and make sure your notifications are on to know every time I'm live. Also be sure to like this video and share it with your friends! If you really enjoyed it, be sure to Subscribe. Please and Thank You. :)

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