Make Thanksgiving More Fun With These 8 Epic Party Games

Make Thanksgiving More Fun With These 8 Epic Party Games

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Publish Date:
November 18, 2022
Party Game Fails
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It's big party season, you're expecting a lot of guests, how are you going to entertain them all? Here are games specially designed for big groups of all ages.

If you like party games, you should join definitely join this e-mail list to get a delightful game in your inbox every once in a while!

0:00 Got Games?
0:14 Pecking Order
1:54 Touch Turkey
2:54 One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
4:19 Marching Order
5:00 Bathroom Bingo
5:51 The Last Piece Of Pie
7:14 Normal Games
7:31 Pile 'O Plenty
8:00 Best Game

My party games have to meet the following requirements are as follows:
1) Easy to explain/play
2) Low budget/Time/Effort to do
3) Super Fun.

Hope these make your party that much more fun!
#thanksgiving #christmas #partygames #teamgames